Personalized Tarot readings
Choose between a
30 minute reading (SGD $58) - as many questions as the time allows
or a 60 minute reading (SGD $111).
A 60 min session is great for those who want to dive deeper into the different aspects of the situation/issue, for those who have lots of follow up questions, or want a reading for all areas of their life.
3 cards will be drawn per questions and I will channel the message from your spirit guides to answer and advise you on your situation.
Do note that as messages are channeled and are specific to your situation, meanings of the cards may differ from traditional meanings.
All sessions are done via Zoom and are just as effective.
3 questions In-person readings ($28) are done at Employees Only bar (112 Amoy Street, Singapore 069932) on Fridays & Saturdays 7.30-11.30pm.
New Year Tarot Spread ($120)
In this 1 hour session together, we will be doing a super detailed Tarot spread together and it is perfect for acknowledging the energies that are passing out of your life and the energies that are coming into your life. It looks at what you can expect and prepare for in the key areas of your life and provides you a point of focus for the year ahead.
We will be addressing the following:
- Previous year in summary and lessons learnt,
- Aspirations for next year, what's preventing you from reaching those goals,
- Relationships and emotions in the coming year
- Career, work and finances
- Health and well-being
- Spiritual energy and inner fulfilment
- What you most need to focus on
- Your most important lesson for the coming year
- Overall, where are you headed in the next 12 months
Pet Communication
Through a neutral picture of your pet, have an online video session about your pet. Your pet need not be physically present for the session.
$70 for 40 minutes
- 1 animal per session, living or deceased (it doesn't matter when they passed).
- All sessions are done remotely with a photo. The session is done live with you and is approximately 40 minutes.
- In addition to everything addressed below, you may ask 5 additional questions.
- + Animals in form. I ask about their entire life: food and water, bedding, home, exercise, siblings, concerns, dislikes, favorite activities, messages and advice for you, soul contracts, PLUS whatever else they want to say! I also conduct a body scan to locate areas of pain or discomfort.
- + Animals in spirit. I ask about their entire life in form and in spirit: how they’re doing now, their transition, signs they're sending you to let you know they're still with you, favorite activities, concerns, messages and advice they have for you, soul contracts, PLUS whatever else they want to say!
Due to the urgent nature of missing animals, I am unable provide missing animal sessions.
This session is ideal for those that want to connect with someone who has passed, and to know what messages they have for you. Such sessions are extremely helpful in providing closure and healing to those in spirit and family members that are still living.
All sessions are 30 minutes each and are done remotely via Zoom.